Tips for Baby Proofing When You Move House

Moving to a new house is exciting and scary at the same time. You have to pack up all of your baby’s essentials, make sure you have enough room for their toys, and figure out how to get the baby’s bedroom set up in a day. Preparing for the new home can be overwhelming, but with these tips from a professional baby-proofer, we’ll help you make it as smooth as possible.

Whether you are moving across town or just down the street, it can sometimes feel like there is so much to do to prepare for this big life change. One of the common tasks that parents need help with is making sure that your baby’s room is safe when you move into a new house. Here are some tips on how you can baby-proof your new home before moving in!

Why you should baby-proof before moving

Many of us are always on the lookout for ways to keep our children safe, but many of us don’t take these precautions into account when we’re moving. Baby-proofing before you move is an essential part of setting up a new home and helps to ensure your child’s safety. There are lots of different things that you can do to baby-proof your new home before moving in, such as limiting access to electrical outlets, blocking dangerous places on stairs, and blocking dangerous areas from windows. You can also take the time to put furniture where it will be safe and away from any potential hazards in the house. For instance, if there is a fireplace or fireplace mantle in the room where your child will sleep, consider placing a large piece of plywood or plastic between it and the bed.

How to prepare the home for your baby

The first step in baby-proofing your home is making sure that your floors are not slippery. You don’t want to fall through the floor and injure yourself and the baby when you are carrying all of the things you need for your new home! If you have carpet and it doesn’t come up to the baseboards, then it might be time to invest in some new flooring before your move.

Next, make sure that your furniture can support the weight of an infant or toddler. The furniture should also be safe for the baby to climb on and play on too. You’ll also want to make sure that your windows don’t have any unsafe features so that they won’t break during an accident with a curious baby.

If you are concerned about escaping cords on a crib or anything else in your nursery, then you should look into getting some safety gates or other barriers. These will give you peace of mind as soon as you move in so that you don’t have to worry about coming back to a disaster after putting your little one down for a nap or bedtime story.

What can you do to keep your baby safe in the new house?

The first thing you should do to keep your baby safe is to make sure that the baby’s room is properly set up. Make sure that the crib has all of its safety features, and make sure to remove any loose cords or other hazards. Your baby’s nursery should be enclosed in an area that is free from clamps and tight spaces, so don’t put cords near your baby’s crib or high furniture. This will help ensure safety for your little one during the moving process.

One way you can keep your baby safe while they are sleeping is by installing a gate near their crib. A gate will be convenient when you need to go downstairs without waking them up, and it helps prevent falls out of bed as well.

If you are going to have a pack and play in the nursery, make sure to put it in a corner or against a wall so that it doesn’t get knocked over by accident. You should also make sure that there isn’t anything dangerous near the pack and play, like heavy furniture or blinds with long cords near the edges of the playpen where babies can get wrapped around them.

Where should you place the baby’s bed?

When you are moving into a new home, it’s important to make sure that your baby’s bed is safe. For this reason, some parents suggest putting the baby’s bed in a corner of the bedroom away from any obstructions or furniture. This will keep children from getting stuck and hurt when they fall out of their bed. Additionally, consider placing the bed in front of an open door so that your child can still go through it if she gets up during the night. Other parents suggest placing their baby’s bed next to a window so that your child can still see out of it if he or she wakes up during the night and doesn’t want to be alone for too long.

How do you keep the baby from getting out of their room?

There are a few different ways to accomplish this, but one of the most common things you’ll see is using safety gates. These gates can be used every day in the room and prevent your child from getting out of their room or getting into anything dangerous. This way, you’ll know that they will be protected when you leave them in their crib or playpen.

Another way that you can keep your baby safe is by installing a door lock on the door from the outside. This way, as soon as your baby wakes up, you’re able to quickly shut their door without worrying about them wandering into danger while you are not around.

Electrical safety

The first thing to be aware of when moving into a new home is electrical safety. All the wires in your house may not be wired correctly, and you’ll need to check all of the outlets to make sure they are safe for your child. Another important aspect of electrical safety is making sure that all cords are removed from your baby’s room so that he doesn’t get tangled up in them or knock anything over. This includes all cords coming out of lamps, clocks, and TVs.

Windows and sliding doors

First things first, make sure that windows and sliding doors are safe for your baby. Most parents need to install window guards and child-proofing devices before moving into a new house.

After doing this, you’ll want to add a few toys that will keep your little one entertained during the move. For kids who love music and playing with musical instruments, consider buying a small travel ditty bag or a portable drum set. These will give them something fun to do while they wait for their new playroom to be finished up!

Balconies, verandas, porches and stairs

Always keep your eyes open for potential hazards that could cause harm to your baby. One thing to do is to make sure that all balconies, verandas, porches, and stairs are safe for your child. For example, if you have a large balcony or porch with no railing, make sure that you put up a net around it so that the child can’t fall off. It’s also important to check any outdoor furniture before you move it into place and use some of those old blankets as padding on steps at the bottom.

Hire a child-proofing professional

If you are planning on moving into a new house, it’s important to hire a professional who is experienced with the task of baby-proofing. You’ll want to find someone that has experience in how to properly secure your home and make sure your baby is as safe as possible. Baby-proofers will come up with a plan for everything from installing locks on your windows and doors to making sure that the electricity in your home is safe. With the help of a professional, you can rest easy knowing that your baby’s safety will be guaranteed throughout the move!

No matter what type of family you have, there is always something exciting happening. Moving can be scary and overwhelming, but hiring professionals baby-proofers can help make this transition easier by implementing simple techniques to baby-proof your new home before moving in! Contact us to learn about our moving services.

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